How to apply for Police Trainees post
Deputy Minister Cassel Mathale emphasized that the overarching goal is to amplify crime-fighting capabilities, ensuring the safety and protection of communities.
Open ArticleContent includes announcements, events, legals, public notices, tenders, vacancies etc.
To advertise your notices, please send your request by email to or call Stephen on +2778-221-8002.
Deputy Minister Cassel Mathale emphasized that the overarching goal is to amplify crime-fighting capabilities, ensuring the safety and protection of communities.
Open ArticleThis workplace experience affords successful applicants an opportunity to gain hands-on work experience in their field of study, with the backing of industry leaders like Sasol and Eskom.
Open ArticleNotice is hereby given to the rate payers and consumers in the Lesedi Local Municipality of the latest rates and tariffs for municipal services
Open ArticleThe Lesedi Local Municipality has published its Draft rates and tariffs for municipal services for the year 2023/24 for public consideration.
Open ArticleThe community of Dipaleseng are invited to a public meeting on the Social and Labour Plan (SLP). The SLP addresses issues pertaining to human resources development and local economic development, with the commitments in respect thereof, for the next two-year period.
Open ArticleThe MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation is hereby inviting the public to nominate representatives to serve on the Gauteng Geographical Names Committee.
Open ArticleExisting and potential suppliers are hereby invited to apply for registration on the Sedibeng TVET College supplier database.
Open ArticleNotice On The Availability Of A Scoping Report For Public Review On The Application For Prospecting Rights For Coal With Bulk-Sampling In Kudung Under Midvaal Local Municipality, Gauteng Province.
Open ArticleNotice Of Renewal Of Atmospheric License For Vopak South Africa Developments In Terms Of The National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act 39 Of 2004).
Open ArticleNotice is hereby given in the intent to conduct Environmental Authorization process for a mining right Application sand (general), silica sand and dimension stone for Analiza Boerdery (Pty) Ltd in terms of National Environmental Management Act – NEMA (Act 107 of 1998) as amended, and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, 2014.
Open Article